A little late on the update from last school year but the latest news is that I am now teaching in a Toddler room! I have two programs, the morning program has ten children that will all be three by December and the afternoon bunch has a larger age range (oldest turned three in the Fall and youngest in the summer). It has been a lot of fun, exhausting, a little bit of a learning curve but nothing crazy - there obviously are so many similarities between the threes upstairs (in the preschool) and the children who are three or about to be three down here (on the toddler floor). All the children are so capable, lovely and funny. This post is mainly about my classroom. I started arranging and organizing and creating work in August and I feel like it is just now actually coming together. It still needs a little love but I'm happy with how its going. The children are so super busy which means me and the lovely lady, Rallee that I teach with must be doing something right. Here are some pictures of whats happening in the room now!
Sink & Float Table (i think its supposed to be Sink OR Float but that is OK) |
Coziest observer chair ever |
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work mats, a child's plant and an alone table fitted with dry erase markers and a dry erase board. |
our classroom celebrity: the sahnd goat. |
chalkboard hallway |
flower arranging shelf |
our plant collection (with one sad dying one) |
end of our snack shelf, these are our glasses (jam jars) |
bookshelves and the cozy house |
my favorite work right now |
theres that cozy chair |
our dinosaur rock garden? can't see to find a good name for this. |
me. and our tissue table. |
that car tracker is never going away. (view from our changing area) |
cubbies and tiny cute shoes |
morning is currently on the bottom and afternoon on the top, it switches. |
tiny montessori movers |
the latest addition to our classroom: the farm table. |
drying rack, laundry basket and clean towels. |
sensory bin with rice and jewels (and some more lovely plants) |
dirty dish cart |
cleaning/housekeeping area |
the cozy waiting chair for when the snack table is full. |
teacher shelf |
helper of the day bowl/clips, our lovely music lady and morning and afternoon name tickets |
months, days, weather |
land air and water demonstration tray |
cozy house, the lizard, and bertha. |
you can put a work back on the shelf on top of a green dot. |
our pretty (unfinished) curtains. |