Friday, March 22, 2013

felting wool (a montessori episode)

this was fun. the kids loved it. the pom poms didn't come out SUPER awesome, but they came out sort of awesome. the children got the point so that is the most important part. if you can think of a way to use warmer/hotter water with three to six year olds please let me know!

basket of wool roving, tray with bowl, tea holder, timer and soapy water

wool roving

tea holder (pom pom shaker!)

in the wild
three felted wool pom poms ready for stringing

i love kinfolk: a montessori post about urban homesteading

kinfolk is amazing. if you don't know what it is - you should find out immediately. it was more or less the inspiration for my montessori unit project. here is the sensorial lesson that is part of my "inspired by kinfolk" urban homesteading lesson series. basically everything i like to do - childcentric.


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